Bank - Reports - Basic POS report



Basic POS report

1. Introduction


The Basic POS report offers a basic overview of the terminals. Its main purpose is primarily to determine the number of terminals per subject/subsidiary. In addition, it allows division according to the type of communication and application version. Let's see how it works.

On the portal, go to (Services) -> Reports in the top menu to the Basic POS report section.

2. Filters


We use the offered filters to display the data that interests us.

You can filter in the list of subjects using the following items:

  • Business subject
  • Minimum count POS
  • Maximum count POS
  • Communication type
  • Application version

In the field for Business subject we have a pre-filled Subject. If we want to search by the number of terminals in the subsidiary and not by the number at the whole merchant, we will change the selection to Subsidiary.

In the fields Minimum count POS and Maximum count POS we enter the required number of terminals. For example, if we want to search for all subjects that have only 1 terminal, we enter the number 1 in both fields.

We can also search for terminals with only a certain type of communication. To do this, select the Communication type.

Finally, there is the possibility of filtering by application version.

Call up the selection by pressing the Filter button, on the contrary, use the Clear filter button to return the table to its original state.

3. Table


Records corresponding to the specified filters can be found in the table, and we learn their following values:

  • Register number
  • Subject
  • MID - Merchant ID
  • Subsidiary
  • TID - Terminal ID
  • PID - Profile ID
  • Model
  • Communication type
  • App version

Below the table in the description of Showing X to X of X entries we find the total number of filtered items.

Selected records can also be exported to Excel format using the Export XLS button.